Tuesday, October 27, 2009

AHH! I've gotten behind!!

The girls after homecoming pep rally =)

Ian. There was a picture where I was taller but they made me use this one instead lol

Our proud band supporters

awww how pretty

warm up

So... theres a lot thats been going on lately. Lemme give you the run down =) so last week ish (i think) was homecoming. We had dress up days and all kinds of fun stuff but due to some technical difficluties, we will have to wait til a later day to to view pictures. It was super fun even though we lost our game but I will attempt again to post some pictures. BUT!!! Who really cares about homecoming when we have something much bigger on our hands? Like the CHS marching band going to STATE!!!! Yeah, go ahead and get excited. We all are. You can hop on that band wagon. Get it?? BAND wagon?? Yeah ok... so anyways... last Wednesday we competed at region and received a 1 (best you can get) so that advanced us to area, which we competed at last Saturday. We made it to finals and I got the inside scoop on the scores so I will fill you in if you promise to keep it a secret. There were 5 judges. The scoring works like this: Each judge will rank all the bands, like 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so forth. Then they will add up the rankings. So we will use.. lets say... Queen City for example. Out of 20 bands, one judge gave them 18th place, one 19th, place and the other 3 judges gave them 20th place. Then they would have a score of 97. Poor Queen City. bwahaha. So for our competition, the best score a band could receive was a 5. Clifton got a 5 at both prelims and finals. The next closest band had a 21. Meaning, there wasn't a band there that could touch us. Its a great feeling to have. So since we won area, us and 2 other bands advanced to state which will take place a week from today. We are the first band to march at 12:45 and we plan to set the standard for every other 2A band there. If we advance to finals, we will perform sometime after 6. Obviously the competition at state will be much different than at area but I am so excited and can barely wait for this weekend to get here. I think we have a shot at the state title this year which would be a first for Clifton history and I couldn't be more pumped. Hope to see your smiling faces there! Ill try to give more updates, and Ill try to shorten them to. I cant help that im longwinded. Its a Blanton thing, right?? =)


  1. Leah - you make me laugh!!! (poor ole queen city) Homecoming was great having most of your family here! and band, well I have been waiting two long years for this...Leave NO Doubt!!! I love you

  2. Oh Leah, how I wish I could be there to see you in state competition!!! What do you mean IF we advance to finals, we will perform sometime after 6. Just say we will perform sometime after 6 in finals!!!!! I can't help it if we live next door to QC, please don't hold it against us. : ) I love your post, please all of you post more often I love to see what is going on in your lives. I love all of you so very much.
